betul tak ape aku cakap? sebab…. second chance ni kadang-kadang menyakitkan hati jek. seriously…
hmmm…. sebab, bila kita dah nampak peluang tuh, then kita lak yang tak reti atau tak pandai nak manfaatkan, then there goes the chance, you LOSE it!
and congrats.. somehow i feel like that it’s not wrong to give chance to people IF they really want to be friend with me. but then, this happened. SO SORRY okay.
thanks for the memories we have here~ really appreciate it~
a quote from a friend of mine :
u can't get 2nd chances all the time.better of there is no 2nd chance at all.......
so that’s all, as for now~
bile ade peluang, guna betul2..kan2???
BalasPadamwalaupon tau ade 2, 3 ataw 10, yg pasti, peluang pertama paling bermakna...
kalo boleh comment ni wat yg jenis popup.. sng org nak comment2..
BalasPadamlagi satu, send la pic arituh kat email koi.. guitarheero@gmail.com
ape ke bnde pop up nih?? nk wt cmne?
BalasPadammcm ni la popup.. :D
BalasPadamcm 2 la...huhu
BalasPadamcantik kaler pic tuh...edit gune effect ape?
BalasPadamguna picnik.com jek
BalasPadameffect dia - boost + ortonish