Ahad, 13 Januari 2013

VIDEO – Tutorial Cara Saya pakai long wide shawl




Duhhh i has been ages since the last time I posted my last video on my Youtube channel ! Well, I kinda lose interest in making videos, tutorial videos especially. I dont know why.. Maybe because of the bad responses that I’ve been receiving. Or because there are already too many tutorials in Youtube.


And lately I’ve been receiving quite a lot of requests, asking me how I wear my shawl, the one that super long and wide shawl. So I made this video. Well, I think I left my camera at home. Or.. hmmm where is it ya?? (only now I feel worried!) So I recorded this video using the front camera of my Galaxy Note 2. So not bad eh? And make sure you watch it in 480p quality for clearer video.



Heee there you go. Messy me and messy shawl! I was extremely lazy to iron the shawl. But if you like the idea of crumple or crinkle style shawl, don’t bother to iron it. Just wear it as it is. AHAH!! Andddd I dont know why I talked slowly. When I watch this video back I feel like,"What’s wrong with me? Why I was so afraid to speak a lil’ bit louder?” Heh!


Okay by the way thank you for those who have been requested my tutorial video. You guys are so sweet.. but I’m such a mess in the video :( But anyway thank you once again! Muahhh!!




5 ulasan:

  1. why entry in english sekarang? tak sempoi dah rasa

  2. nice what. practise makes perfect English :)

  3. suka baca. teruskn lg entry berbahasa english :)

  4. nyee nisa..act im ur silent reader.. i love reading ur blog :) btw, i like ur wrote ur blog in english. act,i will sit for a muet next month. so i hope while reading ur blog can improve my english as well.. and ur english is very simple and easy people to understand.. keep it up :)

  5. Thx for the video.. Baru start pakai tudung.. tgh belajar2



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